
Adding New Locations – How It Affects Other Settings

When you add your first location there are several things that change concerning the functionality of SeamlessDesk so it is important you read through this doc to get a better understanding exactly what those changes are.

When you make this change the following are the areas that will need to be addressed:

  • Business Hours
  • SLA Management
  • Departments
  • Web Portal

Business Hours

Once you add your first location if you had already setup your business hours those hours no longer apply to your current configuration. Basically they will not work anymore. You have to go to your settings and add new business hours for each individual location.

  1. Go to Settings > Branding & Business Hours
  2. Once there you will now see a list of your locations that you added. Click on the clock icon to the right of each location and add your new business hours there.
  3. Save your settings and you are done.

SLA Management

Now that you have your business hours all setup you are going to have to do the same thing to your SLA policies. The default policy that you may have had already setup no longer applies to your tickets, because now you have to create a new SLA policy for each location.

  1. Go to Settings > SLA Policies
  2. Once there you will now see a list of your locations that you added. Click on the pen icon to the right of each location and add your new SLA policies there.
  3. Save your settings and you are done.


Now that you have your SLA Policies setup now it is time to associate departments with locations. This is very important so that your new business hours and SLA policies can be associated properly with each ticket. Since tickets are associated with departments, this is how we can determine which SLA to use for each ticket.

Please note: You do not have to associate a location with a department if you do not want to. Leaving this untouched will just associate your department with your default web portal

  1. Go to Settings > Ticket Departments
  2. In your list of departments click on the one you want to edit.
  3. Once that panel opens you will see a new drop down menu called “Location”. Click on it and choose the location that will be associated with that department.
  4. Save your settings and you are done.

Web Portal

The web portal is the gateway to your regular users where they can submit tickets, check on the status of those tickets as well as your Knowledge Base articles. Since you have added new locations you have the ability to create custom portals for each location. This comes in handy if you want regular users to submit tickets to departments that are only associated with that particular location. We wouldn’t want to have a customer service department for California showing up for a location located in New York.

Once you have created at least one location you will have a new url to that specific locations web portal.

  1. Go to Settings > Web Portal Settings
  2. Find the new Web Portal URL associated with your new location and use that instead.

Your Default URL will work as is, but that page will associate all your departments.